American Put Options with the Binomial Asset Pricing Model

Implementation of a simple slow and fast binomial pricing model in python. We will treat binomial tree as a network with nodes (i,j) with i representing the time steps and j representing the number of ordered price outcome, lowest – or bottom of tree – to highest.

  • american_tree_slow
  • american_tree_fast

Generic timing wrapper function

We will use this to benchmark the two binomial models.

import numpy as np
from functools import wraps
from time import time

def timing(f):
    def wrap(*args, **kw):
        ts = time()
        result = f(*args, **kw)
        te = time()
        print('func:%r args:[%r, %r] took: %2.4f sec' % \
          (f.__name__, args, kw, te-ts))
        return result
    return wrap

Binomial Tree Representation

Stock tree can be represented using nodes (i,j) and intial stock price \(S_0\)
\(S_{i,j} = S_0u^{j}d^{i-j}\)
\(C_{i,j}\) represents contract price at each node (i,j). Where \(C_{N,j}\) represents final payoff function that we can define.

American Option Characteristics

For an American Put Option:

if \(T = t_N\) then at the terminal nodes, \(C^{j}_N = (K-S^{j}_N)^{+}\)

for all other parts of the tree at nodes \((i,j)\)
– Max of exercise value or continuation/hold value
– \(C^{j}_i = \max \Big((K-S^{j}_i)^{+}, \exp^{-r\Delta t} \big\{ q^{j}_i C^{j+1}_{i+1} + (1 – q^{j}_i)C^{j-1}_{i-1}\big\}\Big)\)

# Initialise parameters
S0 = 100      # initial stock price
K = 100       # strike price
T = 1         # time to maturity in years
r = 0.06      # annual risk-free rate
N = 3         # number of time steps
u = 1.1       # up-factor in binomial models
d = 1/u       # ensure recombining tree
opttype = 'P' # Option Type 'C' or 'P'

American Tree Slow

Here we will use for loops to iterate through nodes j at each time step i.

def american_slow_tree(K,T,S0,r,N,u,d,opttype='P'):
    #precompute values
    dt = T/N
    q = (np.exp(r*dt) - d)/(u-d)
    disc = np.exp(-r*dt)
    # initialise stock prices at maturity
    S = np.zeros(N+1)
    for j in range(0, N+1):
        S[j] = S0 * u**j * d**(N-j)
    # option payoff 
    C = np.zeros(N+1)
    for j in range(0, N+1):
        if opttype == 'P':
            C[j] = max(0, K - S[j])
            C[j] = max(0, S[j] - K)
    # backward recursion through the tree
    for i in np.arange(N-1,-1,-1):
        for j in range(0,i+1):
            S = S0 * u**j * d**(i-j)
            C[j] = disc * ( q*C[j+1] + (1-q)*C[j] )
            if opttype == 'P':
                C[j] = max(C[j], K - S)
                C[j] = max(C[j], S - K)
    return C[0]


American Tree Fast

Now we will vectorise out code using numpy arrays instead of for loops through j nodes.

def american_fast_tree(K,T,S0,r,N,u,d,opttype='P'):
    #precompute values
    dt = T/N
    q = (np.exp(r*dt) - d)/(u-d)
    disc = np.exp(-r*dt)
    # initialise stock prices at maturity
    S = S0 * d**(np.arange(N,-1,-1)) * u**(np.arange(0,N+1,1))
    # option payoff 
    if opttype == 'P':
        C = np.maximum(0, K - S)
        C = np.maximum(0, S - K)
    # backward recursion through the tree
    for i in np.arange(N-1,-1,-1):
        S = S0 * d**(np.arange(i,-1,-1)) * u**(np.arange(0,i+1,1))
        C[:i+1] = disc * ( q*C[1:i+2] + (1-q)*C[0:i+1] )
        C = C[:-1]
        if opttype == 'P':
            C = np.maximum(C, K - S)
            C = np.maximum(C, S - K)
    return C[0]


Binomial Tree Slow vs Fast

Now we will compare runtimes for slow vs fast. Ignore option price changes as this is impacted with changing the time steps and keeping the u and d factors the same.

for N in [3,50, 100, 1000, 5000]: