Historical Volatility Cones

Historical Volatility Cone vs Implied Volatility

To truly be an effective options trader it’s essential that you understand volatility. After all, having a sense of whether an option is “cheap” or “expensive” should help in your option strategy selection. For the most part, traders focus on two types of volatility, implied volatility and historical volatility. This article concentrates on the latter.

Actual volatility is the measure of the amount of randomness in the underlying stocks price at any point in time. However, actual volatility is instantaneous and cannot be measured. Because of this, traders associate volatility with specific time periods. For example, a trader may use daily, weekly or monthly periods in order to put volatility into context. This type of volatility is often referred to as historical volatility, statistical volatility and realized volatility (all three terms refer to the same thing).

In this tutorial we wil create a historical volatility cone for the ASX200 index and compare this against current implied volatility levels. Here we will be following this methodology: https://www.m-x.ca/f_publications_en/cone_vol_en.pdf

import datetime as dt
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import calendar

from pandas_datareader import data as pdr
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Let’s get the historical data with pandas_datareader.

end = dt.datetime.now()
start = dt.datetime(2000,1,1)

df = pdr.get_data_yahoo(['^AXJO'], start, end)
Close = df.Close

Now we can compute the log returns and historical trailing volatility over a given Trading Window (lets take 20 days for a start).

log_returns = np.log(df.Close/df.Close.shift(1)).dropna()

volatility = log_returns.rolling(window=TRADING_DAYS).std()*np.sqrt(252)

Creating Historical Volatility Cones

We need to collect the third thursday of each month, as an indication the end of the monthly periods we are interested in. This is when asx options usually expire. We then need to calculate the volatility over 1, 3, 6, 9 and 12 month trading windows.

def ThirdThurs(year, month):
    # Create a datetime.date for the last day of the given month
    daysInMonth = calendar.monthrange(year, month)[1]   # Returns (month, numberOfDaysInMonth)
    date = dt.date(year, month, daysInMonth)
    # Back up to the most recent Thursday
    offset = 4 - date.isoweekday()
    if offset > 0: offset -= 7                          # Back up one week if necessary
    date += dt.timedelta(offset)                    # dt is now date of last Th in month
    # Throw an exception if dt is in the current month and occurred before today
    now = dt.date.today()                         # Get current date (local time, not utc)
    if date.year == now.year and date.month == now.month and date < now:
        raise Exception('Missed third thursday')

    return date - dt.timedelta(7)

dates = [ThirdThurs(year, month) for year in range(2000,2022) for month in range(1,13) if ThirdThurs(year, month) < dt.datetime.now().date()]
columnsNames = ['1-mth','3-mth', '6-mth', '9-mth', '12-mth']
tradingDays = [int(20*n) for n in [1,3,6,9,12]]
DTE = [int(30*n) for n in [1,3,6,9,12]]
data = np.array([np.arange(len(dates))]*len(columnsNames)).T

volatility = {}
for TRADING_DAYS, TimePeriod in zip(tradingDays, columnsNames):
    print(TRADING_DAYS, TimePeriod)
    volatility[TimePeriod] = log_returns.rolling(window=TRADING_DAYS).std()*np.sqrt(252)

Once we’ve done that we can build up our historical cone dataframe.

df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=columnsNames, index=dates)
df.index.name = 'period'

def historical_vol(x):
    df2 = x.copy()
    for date, val in x.iteritems():
            df2.loc[date] = round(volatility[x.name].loc[date,'^AXJO']*100,2)
            df2.loc[date] = np.nan
    return df2

df = df.apply(lambda x: historical_vol(x),axis=0)

From here we can extract the important information, min, mean and max values. Thereby developing a distribution of historical volatility levels and we can plot this using matplotlib.

df2 = pd.DataFrame(data='', columns=['max','mean','min'], index=DTE)
df2.index.name = 'DTE'

df2['max'] = pd.Series(df[columnsNames].max().values, index=DTE)
df2['mean'] = pd.Series(df[columnsNames].mean().values, index=DTE)
df2['min'] = pd.Series(df[columnsNames].min().values, index=DTE)

Plotting basic cone with matplotlib.

fig1 = plt.figure(figsize=(12,8))
ax1 = fig1.add_subplot(111)

plt.plot(df2.index, df2['max'], 'k+-')
plt.plot(df2.index, df2['mean'], 'ms-')

plt.plot(df2.index, df.iloc[-1,:], 'gs-')

plt.plot(df2.index, df2['min'], 'k+-')

for i, v in df2['mean'].iteritems():
    ax1.text(i, v+1, "%d" %v, ha="center")
for i, v in enumerate(df.iloc[-1,:]):
    ax1.text(df2.index[i], v-2.5, "%d" %v, ha="center")

plt.title('Historical Volatility Cone vs. Implied volatility')
plt.legend(['max', 'mean', 'current','min' ], loc='upper right')

plt.xlabel('Days to Expiry (DTE)')
plt.ylabel('Volatility (%)')
plt.ylim(0, 70)
plt.xlim(0, 370)

Adding Implied Volatility

For this you will require market prices from an exchange website/broker. We are going to scrape the bid/ask prices and calculate the option prices implied volatility using the following newton method (this is detailed in the next tutorial video – skip ahead if interested):

from py_vollib.black_scholes.implied_volatility import implied_volatility as iv
from py_vollib.black_scholes import black_scholes as bs
from py_vollib.black_scholes.greeks.analytical import vega

def implied_vol(S0, K, T, r, market_price, flag='c', tol=0.00001):
    """Calculating the implied volatility of an European option
        S0: stock price
        K: strike price
        T: time to maturity
        r: risk-free rate
        market_price: option price in market
    max_iter = 200 #max no. of iterations
    vol_old = 0.3 #initial guess 

    for k in range(max_iter):
        bs_price = bs(flag, S0, K, T, r, vol_old)
        Cprime = vega(flag, S0, K, T, r, vol_old)*100
        C = bs_price - market_price

        vol_new = vol_old - C/Cprime
        new_bs_price = bs(flag, S0, K, T, r, vol_new)
        if (abs(vol_old-vol_new) < tol or abs(new_bs_price-market_price) < tol):

        vol_old = vol_new

    implied_vol = vol_new
    return implied_vol

Here is the information I have used as of the 22 July 2021 in this video tutorial for the ASX200.

S0 = 7375

atm_options = [
call_bids,call_asks,put_bids,put_asks, = [],[],[],[]
IV_DTE = []

for i in atm_options:
    date, K = i[0], i[1]
    DTE = (date - dt.date.today()).days
    T = DTE/365
    r = 0.02
    call_bid, call_ask = i[2]
    put_bid, put_ask = i[3] 
    call_bids.append(implied_vol(S0, K, T, r, call_bid*100, flag='c')*100)
    call_asks.append(implied_vol(S0, K, T, r, call_ask*100, flag='c')*100)
    put_bids.append(implied_vol(S0, K, T, r, put_bid*100, flag='p')*100)
    put_asks.append(implied_vol(S0, K, T, r, put_ask*100, flag='p')*100)

We can finally plot all this information together. I have also included the 30-day historical volatiilty for an indication of current volatility compared to our cone.

fig1 = plt.figure(figsize=(12,8))
ax1 = fig1.add_subplot(111)

plt.plot(df2.index, df2['max'], 'k+-')
plt.plot(df2.index, df2['mean'], 'ms-')

plt.plot(df2.index, df.iloc[-1,:], 'gs-')

plt.plot(IV_DTE, call_asks, 'bo--')
plt.plot(IV_DTE, call_bids, 'ro--')

plt.plot(IV_DTE, put_asks, 'bs-')
plt.plot(IV_DTE, put_bids, 'rs-')

HV_30d = log_returns.rolling(window=30).std()*np.sqrt(252)
plt.plot(range(0,221), HV_30d.values[-221:][::-1]*100, 'c--')
plt.plot(df2.index, df2['min'], 'k+-')

for i, v in df2['mean'].iteritems():
    ax1.text(i, v+1, "%d" %v, ha="center")
for i, v in enumerate(df.iloc[-1,:]):
    ax1.text(df2.index[i], v-2.5, "%d" %v, ha="center")

plt.title('Historical Volatility Cone vs. Implied volatility')
plt.legend(['max', 'mean', 'current', 'Call Ask IV','Call Bid IV', 'Put Ask IV','Put Bid IV',
            '30-day HV', 
            'min' ], loc='upper right')

plt.xlabel('Days to Expiry (DTE)')
plt.ylabel('Volatility (%)')
plt.ylim(0, 70)
plt.xlim(0, 370)