Value at Risk (VaR) and Conditional VaR (CVaR)

Implement Value at Risk & Conditional Value at Risk using:    

  1. Historical Method    
  2. Parametric Method (Variance-Covariance)
  3. Monte Carlo Method

Get the Historical Data

First let’s import the dependencies and get the data! We also assign random weightings to the given stock portfoio. Please feel free to change these weightings to whatever allocation you’d like!

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import datetime as dt
from pandas_datareader import data as pdr
from scipy.stats import norm, t
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Import data
def getData(stocks, start, end):
    stockData = pdr.get_data_yahoo(stocks, start=start, end=end)
    stockData = stockData['Close']
    returns = stockData.pct_change()
    meanReturns = returns.mean()
    covMatrix = returns.cov()
    return returns, meanReturns, covMatrix

# Portfolio Performance
def portfolioPerformance(weights, meanReturns, covMatrix, Time):
    returns = np.sum(meanReturns*weights)*Time
    std = np.sqrt(,, weights)) ) * np.sqrt(Time)
    return returns, std

stockList = ['CBA', 'BHP', 'TLS', 'NAB', 'WBC', 'STO']
stocks = [stock+'.AX' for stock in stockList]
endDate =
startDate = endDate - dt.timedelta(days=800)

returns, meanReturns, covMatrix = getData(stocks, start=startDate, end=endDate)
returns = returns.dropna()

weights = np.random.random(len(returns.columns))
weights /= np.sum(weights)

returns['portfolio'] =

Historical VaR

Here we make no assumptions about the distribution of returns.

def historicalVaR(returns, alpha=5):
    Read in a pandas dataframe of returns / a pandas series of returns
    Output the percentile of the distribution at the given alpha confidence level
    if isinstance(returns, pd.Series):
        return np.percentile(returns, alpha)

    # A passed user-defined-function will be passed a Series for evaluation.
    elif isinstance(returns, pd.DataFrame):
        return returns.aggregate(historicalVaR, alpha=alpha)

        raise TypeError("Expected returns to be dataframe or series")

def historicalCVaR(returns, alpha=5):
    Read in a pandas dataframe of returns / a pandas series of returns
    Output the CVaR for dataframe / series
    if isinstance(returns, pd.Series):
        belowVaR = returns <= historicalVaR(returns, alpha=alpha)
        return returns[belowVaR].mean()

    # A passed user-defined-function will be passed a Series for evaluation.
    elif isinstance(returns, pd.DataFrame):
        return returns.aggregate(historicalCVaR, alpha=alpha)

        raise TypeError("Expected returns to be dataframe or series")

# 100 days
Time = 100

hVaR = -historicalVaR(returns['portfolio'], alpha=5)*np.sqrt(Time)
hCVaR = -historicalCVaR(returns['portfolio'], alpha=5)*np.sqrt(Time)
pRet, pStd = portfolioPerformance(weights, meanReturns, covMatrix, Time)

InitialInvestment = 10000
print('Expected Portfolio Return:      ', round(InitialInvestment*pRet,2))
print('Value at Risk 95th CI    :      ', round(InitialInvestment*hVaR,2))
print('Conditional VaR 95th CI  :      ', round(InitialInvestment*hCVaR,2))

Parametric VaR

Here we make an assumption on the distribution of returns abd use the historical portfolio returns and standard deviations (estimates) to define parameters for the model. Here we have implemented two parametric VaR models:

  • normal distribution
  • t-distribution (fatter tails)
def var_parametric(portofolioReturns, portfolioStd, distribution='normal', alpha=5, dof=6):
    # because the distribution is symmetric
    if distribution == 'normal':
        VaR = norm.ppf(1-alpha/100)*portfolioStd - portofolioReturns
    elif distribution == 't-distribution':
        nu = dof
        VaR = np.sqrt((nu-2)/nu) * t.ppf(1-alpha/100, nu) * portfolioStd - portofolioReturns
        raise TypeError("Expected distribution type 'normal'/'t-distribution'")
    return VaR

def cvar_parametric(portofolioReturns, portfolioStd, distribution='normal', alpha=5, dof=6):
    if distribution == 'normal':
        CVaR = (alpha/100)**-1 * norm.pdf(norm.ppf(alpha/100))*portfolioStd - portofolioReturns
    elif distribution == 't-distribution':
        nu = dof
        xanu = t.ppf(alpha/100, nu)
        CVaR = -1/(alpha/100) * (1-nu)**(-1) * (nu-2+xanu**2) * t.pdf(xanu, nu) * portfolioStd - portofolioReturns
        raise TypeError("Expected distribution type 'normal'/'t-distribution'")
    return CVaR

normVaR = var_parametric(pRet, pStd)
normCVaR = cvar_parametric(pRet, pStd)

tVaR = var_parametric(pRet, pStd, distribution='t-distribution')
tCVaR = cvar_parametric(pRet, pStd, distribution='t-distribution')

print("Normal VaR 95th CI       :      ", round(InitialInvestment*normVaR,2))
print("Normal CVaR 95th CI      :      ", round(InitialInvestment*normCVaR,2))
print("t-dist VaR 95th CI       :      ", round(InitialInvestment*tVaR,2))
print("t-dist CVaR 95th CI      :      ", round(InitialInvestment*tCVaR,2))

Monte Carlo VaR & CVaR

In this section we use a Monte Carlo simulation of a stock portfolio and then use the functions for historical VaR and CVaR to calculate our risk parameters.

The main advantage here is we could define individual models/stock dynamics for individual assets. This can be very powerful!

# Monte Carlo Method
mc_sims = 400 # number of simulations
T = 100 #timeframe in days

meanM = np.full(shape=(T, len(weights)), fill_value=meanReturns)
meanM = meanM.T

portfolio_sims = np.full(shape=(T, mc_sims), fill_value=0.0)

initialPortfolio = 10000

for m in range(0, mc_sims):
    # MC loops
    Z = np.random.normal(size=(T, len(weights)))
    L = np.linalg.cholesky(covMatrix)
    dailyReturns = meanM + np.inner(L, Z)
    portfolio_sims[:,m] = np.cumprod(np.inner(weights, dailyReturns.T)+1)*initialPortfolio
plt.ylabel('Portfolio Value ($)')
plt.title('MC simulation of a stock portfolio')
def mcVaR(returns, alpha=5):
    """ Input: pandas series of returns
        Output: percentile on return distribution to a given confidence level alpha
    if isinstance(returns, pd.Series):
        return np.percentile(returns, alpha)
        raise TypeError("Expected a pandas data series.")

def mcCVaR(returns, alpha=5):
    """ Input: pandas series of returns
        Output: CVaR or Expected Shortfall to a given confidence level alpha
    if isinstance(returns, pd.Series):
        belowVaR = returns <= mcVaR(returns, alpha=alpha)
        return returns[belowVaR].mean()
        raise TypeError("Expected a pandas data series.")
portResults = pd.Series(portfolio_sims[-1,:])

VaR = initialPortfolio - mcVaR(portResults, alpha=5)
CVaR = initialPortfolio - mcCVaR(portResults, alpha=5)

print('VaR ${}'.format(round(VaR,2)))
print('CVaR ${}'.format(round(CVaR,2)))

Comparison of each VaR & CVaR methods


print(' historical VaR 95th CI   :      ', round(InitialInvestment*hVaR,2))
print(" Normal VaR 95th CI       :      ", round(InitialInvestment*normVaR,2))
print(" t-dist VaR 95th CI       :      ", round(InitialInvestment*tVaR,2))
print(" MC VaR  95th CI          :      ", round(VaR,2))


print(' historical CVaR 95th CI  :      ', round(InitialInvestment*hCVaR,2))
print(" Normal CVaR 95th CI      :      ", round(InitialInvestment*normCVaR,2))
print(" t-dist CVaR 95th CI      :      ", round(InitialInvestment*tCVaR,2))
print(" MC CVaR 95th CI          :      ", round(CVaR,2))