European Spread Call Option with Stochastic Volatility

European Spread Call Option with Stochastic Volatility
One of the main benefits of Monte Carlo simulations is to price options under multiple factors. By this I refer to multiple underlying asset prices or stochastic volatility or even changing interest rates. 
In this tutorial we will explore the pricing of a European Spread Call Option on the difference between two stock indices \(S_1\) and \(S_2\) following a more general stochastic process. The SDE’s will be have stochastic volatility as described by the Heston Model (1993):

Underlying SDE’s under risk-neutral measure:

\(\large dS_{1,t} = (r-\delta_1) S_{1,t} dt + \sqrt{v_{1,t}} S_{1,t} dW^\mathbb{Q}_{1,t}\)
\(\large dS_{2,t} = (r-\delta_2) S_{2,t} dt + \sqrt{v_{2,t}} S_{2,t} dW^\mathbb{Q}_{2,t}\)

Variance Process:

\(\large dv_{1,t} = \kappa_1 (\theta_2 – v_{1,t})dt + \sigma_1 \sqrt{v_{1,t}} dW^\mathbb{Q}_{3,t}\)
\(\large dv_{2,t} = \kappa_2 (\theta_2 – v_{2,t})dt + \sigma_2 \sqrt{v_{2,t}} dW^\mathbb{Q}_{4,t}\)

The Monte Carlo procedure is exactly the same for a spread call option except the correlation matrix between Wiener processes is larger, as in we have four correlated normal variates to simulate the four processes.    


\(\large \rho_{W^\mathbb{Q}} = \begin{vmatrix}1 & \rho_{12} & \rho_{13} & \rho_{14} \\ \rho_{12} & 1 & \rho_{23} & \rho_{24} \\ \rho_{13} & \rho_{23} & 1 & \rho_{34} \\ \rho_{14} & \rho_{24} & \rho_{34} & 1  \notag\end{vmatrix} \)

– \(S_t\) Equity spot price, financial index
– \(v_t\) Variance.
– \(C\) European call option price.
– \(K\) Strike price.
– \(W_{1,2}\) Standard Brownian movements.
– \(r\) Interest rate.
– \(\delta\) discrete dividend payment
– \(\kappa\) Mean reversion rate.
– \(\theta\) Long run variance.
– \(v_0\) Initial variance.
– \(\sigma\) Volatility of variance.
– \(\rho\) Correlation parameter.
– \(t\) Current date.
– \(T\) Maturity date.

Example of Nasdaq vs S&P500 Index

A while back we discussed how to futures or options could be used to speculate on the divergence between the spread of the NASDAQ and S&P500 Indices. We follow on this example by incorperating stochastic volatility.

import numpy as np
from time import time
from scipy.linalg import cholesky

# Parameters - as of 1-Mar-22 
SP500 = 4373.94
NASD = 	13751.40
div_SP500 = 0.0127
div_NASD = 0.0126
K = 9377 # current difference between index points 
T = 1
r = 0.01828 # 10yr US Treasury Bond Yield

# Heston Model Parameters - made up for the example, 
# we have discussed how to complete this step in a previous video using market option prices
theta1 = 0.02
theta2 = 0.03
kappa1 = 0.1
kappa2 = 0.12
sigma1 = 0.05 
sigma2 = 0.06

# initial variances
vt10 = 0.03
vt20 = 0.03

# Correlation matrix between wiener process under risk-neutral measure
rho = np.array([[1,0.5,0.15,0.02],

Slow Implementation

Let’s first understand the implementation process

# Monte Carlo Specific Parameters
N = 100    # discrete time steps
M = 1000   # number of simulations

# Start Timer
start_time = time()

# Precompute constants
dt = T/N

# log normal prices
lnS1 = np.log(NASD)
lnS2 = np.log(SP500)

# Heston model adjustments for time steps
kappa1dt = kappa1*dt
kappa2dt = kappa2*dt
sigma1sdt = sigma1*np.sqrt(dt)
sigma2sdt = sigma2*np.sqrt(dt)
vt1 = vt10
vt2 = vt20

# Perform (lower) cholesky decomposition
lower_chol = cholesky(rho, lower=True)

# Standard Error Placeholders
sum_CT = 0
sum_CT2 = 0

# Monte Carlo Method
for i in range(M):
    # for each simulation i in M
    lnSt1 = lnS1
    lnSt2 = lnS2
    for j in range(N):
        # for each time step j in N
        # Generate correlated Wiener variables
        Z = np.random.normal(0.0, 1.0, size=(4))
        W = Z @ lower_chol
        # Simulate variance processes
        vt1 = vt1 + kappa1dt*(theta1 - vt1) + sigma1sdt*np.sqrt(vt1)*W[2]
        vt2 = vt2 + kappa2dt*(theta2 - vt2) + sigma2sdt*np.sqrt(vt2)*W[3]
        # Simulate log asset prices
        nu1dt = (r - div_NASD - 0.5*vt1)*dt
        nu2dt = (r - div_SP500 - 0.5*vt2)*dt
        lnSt1 = lnSt1 + nu1dt + np.sqrt(vt1*dt)*W[0]
        lnSt2 = lnSt2 + nu2dt + np.sqrt(vt2*dt)*W[1]
    St1 = np.exp(lnSt1)
    St2 = np.exp(lnSt2)
    CT = max(0, (St1 - St2) - K)
    sum_CT = sum_CT + CT
    sum_CT2 = sum_CT2 + CT*CT

# Compute Expectation and SE
C0 = np.exp(-r*T)*sum_CT/M
sigma = np.sqrt( (sum_CT2 - sum_CT*sum_CT/M)*np.exp(-2*r*T) / (M-1) )
SE = sigma/np.sqrt(M)

print("Call value is ${0} with SE +/- {1}".format(np.round(C0,2),np.round(SE,2)))
print("Calculation time: {0} sec".format(round(time() - start_time,2))) 

Fast Implementation

Vectorizing option pricing

# Monte Carlo Specific Parameters
N = 100    # discrete time steps
M = 1000   # number of simulations

# Start Timer
start_time = time()

# Precompute constants
dt = T/N

# Heston model adjustments for time steps
kappa1dt = kappa1*dt
kappa2dt = kappa2*dt
sigma1sdt = sigma1*np.sqrt(dt)
sigma2sdt = sigma2*np.sqrt(dt)

# Perform (lower) cholesky decomposition
lower_chol = cholesky(rho, lower=True)

# Generate correlated Wiener variables
Z = np.random.normal(0.0, 1.0, size=(N,M,4))
W = Z @ lower_chol 

# arrays for storing prices and variances
lnSt1 = np.full(shape=(N+1,M), fill_value=np.log(NASD))
lnSt2 = np.full(shape=(N+1,M), fill_value=np.log(SP500))
vt1 = np.full(shape=(N+1,M), fill_value=vt10)
vt2 = np.full(shape=(N+1,M), fill_value=vt20)

for j in range(1,N+1):

    # Simulate variance processes
    vt1[j] = vt1[j-1] + kappa1dt*(theta1 - vt1[j-1]) + sigma1sdt*np.sqrt(vt1[j-1])*W[j-1,:,2]
    vt2[j] = vt2[j-1] + kappa2dt*(theta2 - vt2[j-1]) + sigma2sdt*np.sqrt(vt2[j-1])*W[j-1,:,3]

    # Simulate log asset prices
    nu1dt = (r - div_NASD - 0.5*vt1[j])*dt
    nu2dt = (r - div_SP500 - 0.5*vt2[j])*dt

    lnSt1[j] = lnSt1[j-1] + nu1dt + np.sqrt(vt1[j]*dt)*W[j-1,:,0]
    lnSt2[j] = lnSt2[j-1] + nu2dt + np.sqrt(vt2[j]*dt)*W[j-1,:,1]
St1 = np.exp(lnSt1)
St2 = np.exp(lnSt2)

# Compute Expectation and SE
CT = np.maximum(0, (St1[-1] - St2[-1]) - K)
C0 = np.exp(-r*T)*np.sum(CT)/M

sigma = np.sqrt( np.sum( (np.exp(-r*T)*CT - C0)**2) / (M-1) )
SE= sigma/np.sqrt(M)

print("Call value is ${0} with SE +/- {1}".format(np.round(C0,2),np.round(SE,2)))
print("Calculation time: {0} sec".format(round(time() - start_time,2)))


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
t = np.linspace(0,1,len(St1))
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2, figsize=(8,6))

fig.suptitle("Index Spread Option with Stochastic Volatility", fontsize=14)